
Maybe fired because of doctors note

Well, here we go again. I turned in my doctor's note saying that due to the fall I can't lift over 12 pounds. Thankfully I was smart and waited until my job coach could come with me, because oh boy. HR isn't happy. I was told that until further notice from a doctor, I am not to work. Without pay. I was sent home after being asked why it said return to work slip, why I didn't say anything and they can't accommodate me. If it isn't changed, they'll let me go. Besides that, guess who decided not to file my fall with workers comp? So now I have no record of a n y t h i n g. They tried to imply I don't really need the accommodation but it's a liability if I got hurt so they can't have me working. Lovely. Granted, I do get they're…

Well, here we go again. I turned in my doctor's note saying that due to the fall I can't lift over 12 pounds. Thankfully I was smart and waited until my job coach could come with me, because oh boy. HR isn't happy. I was told that until further notice from a doctor, I am not to work. Without pay. I was sent home after being asked why it said return to work slip, why I didn't say anything and they can't accommodate me. If it isn't changed, they'll let me go. Besides that, guess who decided not to file my fall with workers comp? So now I have no record of a n y t h i n g. They tried to imply I don't really need the accommodation but it's a liability if I got hurt so they can't have me working.
Granted, I do get they're in a bad spot. But wtf. Maybe… don't refuse to accommodate disabled employees?? I nearly laughed, my boss says “You're the only dishwasher, you have to be able to take out heavy garbage” ha, have the supervisor do it. Freaking so stupid, maybe hire more people?? Instead of having the dishwashers do two jobs (three on nights there's no bussers) Just my luck, they also didn't like that I waited a few days to turn in the note. Glad I did, I wouldn't have been able to handle the conversation without my job coach helping me. I know they would've been more annoyed if i was alone. /:

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