
PSA: if you’re passionate about something and thinking about working for a non profit, stop! Don’t do it!

They’ll pay you pennies and accuse you of being money hungry if you point out you can’t make ends meet on their pithy salary. They’ll overwork you and burn you out and then tell you it’s your fault for not knowing how to regulate your emotions better. They’ll make a bad decision and yell at you for asking for clarification. It isn’t worth it. Volunteer for one, go make your money elsewhere.

They’ll pay you pennies and accuse you of being money hungry if you point out you can’t make ends meet on their pithy salary.

They’ll overwork you and burn you out and then tell you it’s your fault for not knowing how to regulate your emotions better.

They’ll make a bad decision and yell at you for asking for clarification.

It isn’t worth it. Volunteer for one, go make your money elsewhere.

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