
i ruined my life by going to college

I did everything i was supposed to growing up. Went to school and went to college- went to a good college cause everyone said that was what i was supposed to do. I didnt have any scholarships or grants because i didnt really participate in extracurriculars and wasnt that smart. I just did my best. But oh well i can always take out loans people told me Never was good at anything, people told me i was good at helping people. So i chose psychology, i liked it and it was interesting and i could help people. Little did i realize that people with a bachelors degree in psychology can hardly make $15 an hour So tried to find the best job i could in healthcare- i make $18 an hour just barely enough to get by and now i have $46,000 in debt even with the 10 years i…

I did everything i was supposed to growing up. Went to school and went to college- went to a good college cause everyone said that was what i was supposed to do. I didnt have any scholarships or grants because i didnt really participate in extracurriculars and wasnt that smart. I just did my best. But oh well i can always take out loans people told me

Never was good at anything, people told me i was good at helping people. So i chose psychology, i liked it and it was interesting and i could help people.

Little did i realize that people with a bachelors degree in psychology can hardly make $15 an hour

So tried to find the best job i could in healthcare- i make $18 an hour just barely enough to get by and now i have $46,000 in debt even with the 10 years i have been working to pay it off. I wake up in night sweats, have constant anxiety, and cry a lot because the poisition i put myself in and now my new husband. I already work 50-60 hours a week just trying to pay bills- i was looking for a second job but my husband said no way cause i would end up killing myself working so much. I feel like im gonna throw up knowing im gonna have to pay my loans back.

This is just all kinds of screwed up. I did everything i was “supposed” to. I was 18… if i knew then what i know now i would of never stepped foot in college. Worst mistake of my life

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