
It doesn’t seem like there are any part-time jobs that are actually part-time jobs/looking for people who can work…part-time

I want a basic retail or restaurant host or whatever part time job aside from my main job. I am looking and have done some interviews. There are no “part-time” jobs. So far, it seems like they want someone who will take a part-time job and work at the edge of full time. Every interview is an advertisement from the manager of the retail store telling me about all of the room for growth and how they’ve been there for 10 years and if I do well I can be considered for a key holder or whatever. But when you read the statistics people don’t work there for longer than one year. I have rejected 2 “offer letters”(lol) because I guess I’m wildly out of line and a narcissistic idiot who expects the part time job to be part time I just want a sincerely part-time job I can do…

I want a basic retail or restaurant host or whatever part time job aside from my main job. I am looking and have done some interviews. There are no “part-time” jobs. So far, it seems like they want someone who will take a part-time job and work at the edge of full time. Every interview is an advertisement from the manager of the retail store telling me about all of the room for growth and how they’ve been there for 10 years and if I do well I can be considered for a key holder or whatever. But when you read the statistics people don’t work there for longer than one year. I have rejected 2 “offer letters”(lol) because I guess I’m wildly out of line and a narcissistic idiot who expects the part time job to be part time

I just want a sincerely part-time job I can do in 5 hour morning or night shifts. 15 hours per week. “Must be available x day of the week, always available on weekends”. Hmm combined with the fact that you must also be prepared to work 30 hours/week during the holiday season or whenever they feel like bestowing hours on you…this…this isn’t a part-time job.

They want someone who is starving for full time hours. This way of staffing should be illegal.

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