
What should I ask for as far as documentation/how much pay i’m entitled to if I am let go from my job?

I’ve been working for the past 5 months in Virginia for a company based out of Florida. I’m starting to get the suspicion that I may be getting let go (not fired) soon as i’ve seen the company just do a few layoffs that were a bit surprising and were because the company eliminated the positions, and i can see them doing the same to my position as there are some days where the workload is very light and i just don’t have much to work on (to no fault of my own). If i do get let go what should i ask for for like documentation or anything to make sure that they aren’t doing this illegally/if i have any recourse or are entitled to anything at all. Basically just want to make sure my employee/employment rights aren’t being violated. I do know FL and (i think) VA are…

I’ve been working for the past 5 months in Virginia for a company based out of Florida. I’m starting to get the suspicion that I may be getting let go (not fired) soon as i’ve seen the company just do a few layoffs that were a bit surprising and were because the company eliminated the positions, and i can see them doing the same to my position as there are some days where the workload is very light and i just don’t have much to work on (to no fault of my own).
If i do get let go what should i ask for for like documentation or anything to make sure that they aren’t doing this illegally/if i have any recourse or are entitled to anything at all. Basically just want to make sure my employee/employment rights aren’t being violated.

I do know FL and (i think) VA are both at-will states so i know they can fire me at any time without advanced notice.

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