
I was recently released from my job

I was recently released from my job. They made it seem like they had a real reason but the main reason is because they found out I was going to quit (at will employee). Jokes on them, I stole employees with me and now they are even shorter staffed than before. Maybe they should try to take better care of the mental, physical, and emotional health of their employees (two suicides in less than a year from the same department I left)…. Hope the rest of them make it out okay. Don’t let your job break you to the point of wanting to die. You can make money at another job. Please take care of yourself. Xoxo gossip girl

I was recently released from my job. They made it seem like they had a real reason but the main reason is because they found out I was going to quit (at will employee). Jokes on them, I stole employees with me and now they are even shorter staffed than before. Maybe they should try to take better care of the mental, physical, and emotional health of their employees (two suicides in less than a year from the same department I left)…. Hope the rest of them make it out okay. Don’t let your job break you to the point of wanting to die. You can make money at another job. Please take care of yourself.

Xoxo gossip girl

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