
Rights regarding emergency personal time(mental health/sick time right/caregiver)

So I am a caregiver and I work full time My company does not give sick time, they have another policy which I am unsure if is legal, anyways last night I was having a disturbing issue with the person I care for, I stated to my boss multiple times he seems unstable but I feel like I’m being guilted into working. So I am now at work under duress. They are an immediate family member so I know I have the legal right to leave/ miss work if I need to care for him medically but this is a possible financial/legal situation. I asked about a burial insurance email I found and the person blew up on me, we were going back and forth for 4 hours…I found out this person is signing documents today regarding “health insurance”, but for some reason refinancing the mortgage AND selling the house…

So I am a caregiver and I work full time
My company does not give sick time, they have another policy which I am unsure if is legal, anyways last night I was having a disturbing issue with the person I care for, I stated to my boss multiple times he seems unstable but I feel like I’m being guilted into working. So I am now at work under duress.

They are an immediate family member so I know I have the legal right to leave/ miss work if I need to care for him medically but this is a possible financial/legal situation. I asked about a burial insurance email I found and the person blew up on me, we were going back and forth for 4 hours…I found out this person is signing documents today regarding “health insurance”, but for some reason refinancing the mortgage AND selling the house for whatever it’s worth was brought up and spoken in tandem with a whole bunch of other things that were being arranged behind my back. I pay 2/3 the bills,I am health proxy so I know all the medical conditions they are going through and I am also power of attorney but he is still technically able to sign for himself. I am the most mentally stable adult at the residence, and I do not feel comfortable with what’s going on. I’m the only person with a job, and nowhere to go if this goes south, this is my home we are talking about.

I do not feel comfortable with them signing legal documents without my presence, I am afraid it will cause me financial harm to me mostly if we are being honest and I explained all of this to my boss and I feel he guilted me into going to work today, I’m going to try to leave early to make the appointment, what are my rights? I guess could make the argument that I feel threatened emotionally/financially but I don’t know my rights because this is an abnormal situation
This person does not seem stable as of yesterday and has the potential to do me serious financial harm, I pay 2/3 of the bills in the house and yet decisions are being made behind my back and I just want to be home for the appointment.
When I was hired they were aware of my situation and said they understand
I have only ever called out when I needed to plus 1 time for a job interview but I said I was sick so that day shouldn’t be questioned
I’m very upset so I’m not sure if I’m explaining this adequately, anybody please help, my boss is making my attendance seem like an issue but if the personof concern signs the wrong document and I lose my home, I’m going to miss a bit more than 1 day…
I do not have any legal documents stating I am a rent paying tenant so i am legally a “tenant at will”
Also if there’s anywhere else I can post this for legal suggestions I am open to suggestion… I think I need a lawyer… or 2.

I do not wish to attack the company for sick time, until I find new employ so there’s also that, but I will do so if my back is against the wall.

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