
When lending money, please be careful of addicts/grifters disguising their problem with anti-work rhetoric

Just something I notice occasionally, I think people need to look out for more as not only is it easy to miss, but i have seen people justify certain behaviours by leaning on anti-work talking points incorrectly As someone who’s seen a lot of people struggle with various types of addictions, and experienced it myself, no matter how close you are to someone, please always be vigilant when being asked to lend money. Double check stories, receipts etc, make sure that your friend is ok and so on. A lot of people don’t realise how crippling addiction is, and with how severely tough times are for many workers, it can be a silent and deadly problem for some. It doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but please, remember that no matter how well you know someone, be alert for signs of addiction. Have seen some people argue they would give…

Just something I notice occasionally, I think people need to look out for more as not only is it easy to miss, but i have seen people justify certain behaviours by leaning on anti-work talking points incorrectly

As someone who’s seen a lot of people struggle with various types of addictions, and experienced it myself, no matter how close you are to someone, please always be vigilant when being asked to lend money. Double check stories, receipts etc, make sure that your friend is ok and so on. A lot of people don’t realise how crippling addiction is, and with how severely tough times are for many workers, it can be a silent and deadly problem for some.

It doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but please, remember that no matter how well you know someone, be alert for signs of addiction. Have seen some people argue they would give the money regardless, as everyone deserves an outlet, but please understand addiction is NOT an outlet, and you’re enabling dangerous behaviours that ultimately lead to self destruction.

Just throwing this out there, because I know some attitudes in here have shown disregard for addiction in this instance, or have argued that anyone working x hours a week don’t have the time to be an addict, almost implying addiction is strictly limited to the capitalist class. Please be aware it’s not the case, and these attitudes only harm us

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