
The company “don’t have money” ???

So… Hi ! (First time posting hellow) I'm a business analist on a shitty company in Brasil… So I wanted to know what will happen/what to do in the current situation :c The information I have is “the company is lacking money” so they can't pay us next month? To help this lack of money and mitigate the damages they decided to fire 10 people… (random + targets) After that they still have to pay them the unemployment… So they are double fucked now… Last week there was a rumor that we wouldn't be payed? After talking with the union it looked like a lie but at the same time… 20/09 almost 2 month later people haven't had their unemployment payed… Of course I should be worried… But should I be alarming worried? How this company works… > We are a tech company for costumer service >The company is contracted…

So… Hi ! (First time posting hellow)

I'm a business analist on a shitty company in Brasil…

So I wanted to know what will happen/what to do in the current situation :c

The information I have is “the company is lacking money” so they can't pay us next month? To help this lack of money and mitigate the damages they decided to fire 10 people… (random + targets)

After that they still have to pay them the unemployment… So they are double fucked now…

Last week there was a rumor that we wouldn't be payed? After talking with the union it looked like a lie but at the same time… 20/09 almost 2 month later people haven't had their unemployment payed…

Of course I should be worried… But should I be alarming worried?

How this company works…
> We are a tech company for costumer service
>The company is contracted by a state company
>The state company pay everytime on time no problem…
>The company has no money tho?

In the contract we had x coworkers listed but in reality we had x + 20 or so more
Of course pay would be hindred by that…

So the state company is raking its brain to create an emergency contract to “fix” the situation…

The “rest of the problem”…

Contracted companies come and go… it's normal… the people in the job just get integrated to the new one to cut costs on training because the system can't stop…


this time… this shitstorm is happening 12 days before the elections… and the Main manager of the state company can't afford to look “weak”… He prob fears that if shown that he can't handle shit he will be shafted…

(That is the way of anywhere tho… he/she who holds the power can appoint anyone they want in charge and fuck u)


So now… for the last 5 months or so.. of pay/benefits payed in installments..

Last month the president of the state company was activated and we had a contract to stop this bullshit ” installments”… But it didn't stop 😀

Now… We are nearing the paycheck day… I fear we won't be rly payed… What should I do?

Luckily I'm here for 2+ years.. so my resume could mean something… But

What should I do please =/

for clarification…

Vacation was postponed indefinitely
the union didn't say do shit about this
Nobody knows what rly is gonna happen only gossip..

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