
Late pay woes?

Hi! I work at a US (CA)-based remote company, I'm having a struggle with my finances because my payment every cut-off is always delayed. We have two cut offs per month, and the delay takes 2-3 weeks, lucky if I get a week delay. Any advice on how to approach this situation? I am based in Asia, so I don't know how to approach this since the company and my location are different, I understand there are labor laws especially in different US states. Thanks!

Hi! I work at a US (CA)-based remote company, I'm having a struggle with my finances because my payment every cut-off is always delayed. We have two cut offs per month, and the delay takes 2-3 weeks, lucky if I get a week delay. Any advice on how to approach this situation?

I am based in Asia, so I don't know how to approach this since the company and my location are different, I understand there are labor laws especially in different US states.


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