
why I browse this sub

Tbh I only come on here to remind myself how lucky I am. I work a pretty easy job, basically fixing rich people's toys, maybe 4 or 5hours a day, 5 days a week, and make $1200-1500 a week after taxes. I'm 27 years old and only have this job because my best friend got it for me, he's 23 and makes the same money and only has the job because his uncle owns the company. Hard work gets you nowhere in life, it's 100% about who you know.

Tbh I only come on here to remind myself how lucky I am. I work a pretty easy job, basically fixing rich people's toys, maybe 4 or 5hours a day, 5 days a week, and make $1200-1500 a week after taxes. I'm 27 years old and only have this job because my best friend got it for me, he's 23 and makes the same money and only has the job because his uncle owns the company. Hard work gets you nowhere in life, it's 100% about who you know.

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