
How much would I suck if I quit no notice?

Hi guys, I (18f) have been working for this company for about 9 months now, at my last store there was a bunch of drama with managers talking behind my back and such while saying completely different things to my face which broke my trust and was super hurtful because I loved my job and felt so passionate about it that I would skip school to go in but, about a month ago I moved to college and decided to give the company a second chance at a different location, that being said, I've been hired for about 2.5 weeks now, and I hate it, I dread going in (I have to bus an hour to get there from my campus and uber home because the buses stop running) they've been scheduling me 10-12 hour days, many of which barely have breaks (like, one 30 minute break and one 15…

Hi guys, I (18f) have been working for this company for about 9 months now, at my last store there was a bunch of drama with managers talking behind my back and such while saying completely different things to my face which broke my trust and was super hurtful because I loved my job and felt so passionate about it that I would skip school to go in but, about a month ago I moved to college and decided to give the company a second chance at a different location, that being said, I've been hired for about 2.5 weeks now, and I hate it, I dread going in (I have to bus an hour to get there from my campus and uber home because the buses stop running) they've been scheduling me 10-12 hour days, many of which barely have breaks (like, one 30 minute break and one 15 minute break for an 11-hour shift, which I'm learning is apparently more normal?? (I live in the US)) they have a ton of rules that seem ill enforced besides this one manager who seems to have it out for me (they have a no phone rule, so she came up to me and asked me to put my phone in the back, even though I have permission and a reason to have my phone on me (trauma related and I am NOT on my phone during work) and nearly every single other person had their phones in their pocket.

Ive actually ended up in urgent care because between the job and school I wasn't able to focus on myself enough, stressed out and dreaded work, lost sleep, and had to get an ECG on my heart because of severe chest pain.

They're supposed to rotate our positions but I end up in the same one for multiple rotations (For example today, I was stuck on register/order taking for 9 of my 11 hours), and overall every single day I go in I have a shit day, like want to quit on the spot day, and I don't know how much longer I can mentally keep this job while being a full time 16 credit college student, today was kind of my last straw, with a few comments from my managers and being left in position,
(One rotation was at 4, so 11-4 I was on register, and when I looked I noticed that hey… Im still on register after 4! 4-9 on register… so 11-9 on register, when I asked my lead manager she said yep! still on register, even when I clarified that's where I was since 11, I nodded and got into position, after a few more hours my throat got scratchy from constant order taking and I'd mention to other coworkers how register sucks when you do it for 7 straight hours, then she came over talking about how if I have an issue being placed I need to talk to her instead of others… which I did.)

I don't know, I hate this job, and I want to quit and find one closer and one that piques my interest more (it's not much different but I've really wanted to waitress) and I dread going to work, how much would I suck if I quit no notice? I don't know how much more I can take.

….and if you think I should, help making a quitting text would be amazing

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