
Give us 13 hours of free work…

I worked for a breakdown company in the UK, one of the biggest ones. The yellow one. This was my first month I didn’t like the work but I was deciding to see it through for my wife who is in another country, to get her visa done. This company had rostered me to work 9 days in a row Tuesday to the next Wednesday after. It seemed weird but because I just wanted to work and get the visa and everything out the way, I was ready to work the 9 days. They then turned around to me and said that working 9 days in a row isn’t legal… I said okay what’s going to happen then, they said sorry it’s our mistake we will give you a break in this 9 days. Within the 9 days they gave me 2 off. It seemed fair at first until I…

I worked for a breakdown company in the UK, one of the biggest ones. The yellow one. This was my first month I didn’t like the work but I was deciding to see it through for my wife who is in another country, to get her visa done.

This company had rostered me to work 9 days in a row Tuesday to the next Wednesday after. It seemed weird but because I just wanted to work and get the visa and everything out the way, I was ready to work the 9 days. They then turned around to me and said that working 9 days in a row isn’t legal… I said okay what’s going to happen then, they said sorry it’s our mistake we will give you a break in this 9 days. Within the 9 days they gave me 2 off. It seemed fair at first until I realised what will be happening after.

I was then told that due to me having a break in these 9 days that I owe them 13 hours of free unpaid work. Even thought it wasn’t my fault in the first place that I had 9 days to work… plus they were the ones who told me to have the break.

Also other things like getting told I’ll be monitored heavily when going to the toilet because I went like 2 times in two hours. Not being given proper training and then during “training” you just work the normal job for less pay and they class that as training. Speaking of less pay, I was told I’ll be doing 5 days of work and then have two days off. Instead I’m doing 6 for the same pay. I had to leave as a year of this would have destroyed me.

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