
My company has stolen an entire days worth of wages, im not sure what i can do. Im homeless and broke and cant miss an entire days wages.

I live in texas and i work for a landscaping company. Usually our time sheets are done by a single manager sitting at a computer. The way you get punched in is the manager has to physically see you in the morning, and when you leave in the afternoon. Unfortunately one day last week my manager saw me and and forgot to punch me in the morning and now is claiming i didnt work that day entirely. Im not sure what to do now as iam currently homeless and broke so i cant afford to lose an entire days wages. What options do i have?

I live in texas and i work for a landscaping company. Usually our time sheets are done by a single manager sitting at a computer. The way you get punched in is the manager has to physically see you in the morning, and when you leave in the afternoon. Unfortunately one day last week my manager saw me and and forgot to punch me in the morning and now is claiming i didnt work that day entirely. Im not sure what to do now as iam currently homeless and broke so i cant afford to lose an entire days wages. What options do i have?

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