
I have to personally find coverage for each of my jobs

I’m a dog walker for a company, and whenever I have to take a sick day not only do I have to beg my bosses through text because we are not offered any vacation days, I also have to spend time finding coverage for each of my 8-10 dogs of the day. Whether it be personally texting coworkers, posting on our staff Facebook page, making phone calls, etc. Often my managers will be able to help a little with finding me a few covers, but it is largely up to the individual. We are understaffed and struggling as is, so more often than not I’ve had to suck it up and do a few walks I wasn’t able to get covered, while dealing with debilitating endometriosis symptoms, dealing with a pulled and spastic back, I’ve gone in with colds and other sicknesses because it is my responsibility to care for…

I’m a dog walker for a company, and whenever I have to take a sick day not only do I have to beg my bosses through text because we are not offered any vacation days, I also have to spend time finding coverage for each of my 8-10 dogs of the day. Whether it be personally texting coworkers, posting on our staff Facebook page, making phone calls, etc. Often my managers will be able to help a little with finding me a few covers, but it is largely up to the individual. We are understaffed and struggling as is, so more often than not I’ve had to suck it up and do a few walks I wasn’t able to get covered, while dealing with debilitating endometriosis symptoms, dealing with a pulled and spastic back, I’ve gone in with colds and other sicknesses because it is my responsibility to care for these animals that were put on my schedule snd often need to be given medication. It’s so fucking awkward and annoying to have to beg my coworkers for help, I feel like this shouldn’t be my responsibility.

My managers made a post the other day on our Facebook complaining about the same people taking too many vacation days and how we are struggling as a company and have had to make the area that we service smaller becuase of lack of staff, I know I’m not one of those people that takes vacation days often, and it pisses me off when they complain about lack of staffing and overbooking clients when the pay is pretty ass, and they should obviously be charging more if demand is high. All my new coworkers do is kiss their ass, but the ones that have been around for a while aren’t really taking the bullshit anymore. It’s really a shame becuase they are two very nice ladies but also a business that needs to respect their employees. I love this job so much for the animals I meet and am so deeply connected to them for years and have many regulars, so it is such a mental struggle contemplating finding other work. Sorry y’all needed to vent lol

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