
“Thank you for all that you do”

Anyone find that line patronizing? Like I'm some sort of “hero” for keeping the shelves stocked because “nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK”. (Overheard some managers saying that just last week). Not sure if anyone else here is in the retail industry but I internally cringe any time a manager or customer says that to me. I don't want to be here. I'm only here because it's an easy job that works with my schedule. I'm trying to finish up school so I can hopefully not get paid a bare minimum shit wage. I get no joy or fulfillment out of the monotonous job I'm doing and I just want to go home and do something more meaningful like build a portfolio or spend time with my family. I think especially if you're over a certain age, you just get this feeling that customers pity you. Idk. Can anyone else here…

Anyone find that line patronizing? Like I'm some sort of “hero” for keeping the shelves stocked because “nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK”. (Overheard some managers saying that just last week). Not sure if anyone else here is in the retail industry but I internally cringe any time a manager or customer says that to me.

I don't want to be here. I'm only here because it's an easy job that works with my schedule. I'm trying to finish up school so I can hopefully not get paid a bare minimum shit wage. I get no joy or fulfillment out of the monotonous job I'm doing and I just want to go home and do something more meaningful like build a portfolio or spend time with my family.

I think especially if you're over a certain age, you just get this feeling that customers pity you. Idk. Can anyone else here relate?

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