
Work is taking away even more perks

this is an update from my previous post here In my previous post, I mentioned how my job made getting our monthly bonuses harder, then getting our early out times harder, then eliminating early out times completely. A loophole to this was that if you stayed late or came in early throughout the week, then you would have to go home early on Friday to not go over 40 hours, as we also had a strict no overtime policy. To combat this loophole, they added a new rule that you must even out to 32 hours by end of the day Thursday and you cannot be over 32 hours by Thursday. (We are open Monday to Friday). Well, people still kept coming in early and leaving early apparently. Now they made a new rule that you cannot come in early to make up future time unless you have a doctor's…

this is an update from my previous post here

In my previous post, I mentioned how my job made getting our monthly bonuses harder, then getting our early out times harder, then eliminating early out times completely.

A loophole to this was that if you stayed late or came in early throughout the week, then you would have to go home early on Friday to not go over 40 hours, as we also had a strict no overtime policy.

To combat this loophole, they added a new rule that you must even out to 32 hours by end of the day Thursday and you cannot be over 32 hours by Thursday. (We are open Monday to Friday). Well, people still kept coming in early and leaving early apparently.

Now they made a new rule that you cannot come in early to make up future time unless you have a doctor's note. We never required a doctor's note before. They also said you must work the full 8 hours on Friday no exceptions.

They are taking away more and more perks and putting in more and more restrictions on our time. Again, the only thing keeping me at this job is the fact this job is easy and I can work from home. I don't blame my direct manager for this, as I know he is just following orders and it is ultimately not his decision. I blame the people above him. In either case, they keep taking away more and more freedoms and perks and giving us the same compensation, and it isn't the same job anymore. I have officially hit my limit and will start job hunting asap as soon as my shift is over

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