
Trying to buy freedom.

Without going through all my blah blah to date, I’m at a position of having worked jobs for the past 17 years with very few holidays..finally my life is on the upswing and my income is In excess of my family needs and there looks to be growth on the horizon too. I’m thinking that maybe (after the advice in my other thread) I should try to just make max money for my effort and then as available and practical reduce days of work per week.. gradually buy my retirement and freedom? What do you think?

Without going through all my blah blah to date, I’m at a position of having worked jobs for the past 17 years with very few holidays..finally my life is on the upswing and my income is In excess of my family needs and there looks to be growth on the horizon too.
I’m thinking that maybe (after the advice in my other thread) I should try to just make max money for my effort and then as available and practical reduce days of work per week.. gradually buy my retirement and freedom?
What do you think?

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