
Employer stole my tips and I just realized it 6 years later

I was 18 working my first serving job(ever) at a Chinese restaurant a few years ago. It was my maybe second or third day, obviously still in training. I have my first table that orders alcohol and in my nervousness I forget to ring them up for their second order of said alcohol. At the end of the night, the owner/boss was counting out my tips so I could leave, and she apparently knew I didn't but didn't help me nor say anything at all at the time, instead she takes the money from my tips to pay for the alcohol I forgot to ring in. I was intimidated by her and basically forced into paying for the alcohol even though I was underage and couldn't even buy myself alcohol. This subreddit just made me realize how illegal and disgusting it was, taking complete advantage of someone who didn't know…

I was 18 working my first serving job(ever) at a Chinese restaurant a few years ago. It was my maybe second or third day, obviously still in training. I have my first table that orders alcohol and in my nervousness I forget to ring them up for their second order of said alcohol.

At the end of the night, the owner/boss was counting out my tips so I could leave, and she apparently knew I didn't but didn't help me nor say anything at all at the time, instead she takes the money from my tips to pay for the alcohol I forgot to ring in.

I was intimidated by her and basically forced into paying for the alcohol even though I was underage and couldn't even buy myself alcohol.

This subreddit just made me realize how illegal and disgusting it was, taking complete advantage of someone who didn't know better. Many previous employees had only bad things to say about their experiences working there, I'm definitely not the only one. It is eidi

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