
Why is it that people who work the hardest are the ones who can lose their credibility so easily?

Now I know this is an Anti-work sub and I appreciate and understand the philosophy behind this sub. I do like my current job and I work very hard at my job. I will never say that I’m an expert at my job but I will say that I put 110% into my tasks. I can tell you I work ten times harder than most of my department and I actually give a shit about my responsibilities. Fortunately, I have seen some praise for my efforts. However, if I make a mistake, and it’s one that is noticed by my supervisor or other staff, it all goes out the window. From then on, I get vibes that I’m one of the less thorough and unreliable staff members. The others seem to chew it right up when someone makes a mistake in our department. Is this just a sign of the…

Now I know this is an Anti-work sub and I appreciate and understand the philosophy behind this sub. I do like my current job and I work very hard at my job. I will never say that I’m an expert at my job but I will say that I put 110% into my tasks. I can tell you I work ten times harder than most of my department and I actually give a shit about my responsibilities. Fortunately, I have seen some praise for my efforts.

However, if I make a mistake, and it’s one that is noticed by my supervisor or other staff, it all goes out the window. From then on, I get vibes that I’m one of the less thorough and unreliable staff members. The others seem to chew it right up when someone makes a mistake in our department. Is this just a sign of the toxicity within the staff? There’s no way that nobody else has not made a mistake. In fact, I know others have made mistakes because I’ve seen record and reports of it. But no one else seems to be treated differently or thought of less for it. Is this because when they actually do make a mistake, they act like they don’t care and it’s not their job anyway? Help me understand this mentality.

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