
Employer surprised us with fire alarm tests

I am in the office today, and my employer decided to test the fire alarm without warning. The first time I happened to be walking by a maintenance person who informed me of the test, but no email or PA announcement till after it went off a second time, and it has not gone off 6 times. I am a spreadsheet jockey/analyst type, who lives far away and does 95% of my work on a personal laptop. WTF am I doing here, I had one scheduled meeting and it was canceled? Has anyone else been treated like this? So glad tomorrow will be my last day working for them.

I am in the office today, and my employer decided to test the fire alarm without warning. The first time I happened to be walking by a maintenance person who informed me of the test, but no email or PA announcement till after it went off a second time, and it has not gone off 6 times. I am a spreadsheet jockey/analyst type, who lives far away and does 95% of my work on a personal laptop. WTF am I doing here, I had one scheduled meeting and it was canceled? Has anyone else been treated like this? So glad tomorrow will be my last day working for them.

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