
My First Antiwork Post – Blog time

Hello, You can call me Diddy. I am a conservative, Republican voter that is working for a customer service call line. I work from home and have been working with this company for a couple months. It takes up all my time and I never get to play board games with my awesome friends anymore. However, my position is seasonal and gets more annoying by the day. In my work we have different resources to help get us off the calls faster. We have a dedicated line to try and get a hold of a supervisor to transfer customers to, if the call gets too long and the customer wants to speak with a supervisor. I've been informed by a supervisor(not my direct supervisor) that we are to stop using that line and any more reports of us using it will get us a 1-1 meeting with a supervisor every…


You can call me Diddy. I am a conservative, Republican voter that is working for a customer service call line. I work from home and have been working with this company for a couple months. It takes up all my time and I never get to play board games with my awesome friends anymore.

However, my position is seasonal and gets more annoying by the day.

In my work we have different resources to help get us off the calls faster.

We have a dedicated line to try and get a hold of a supervisor to transfer customers to, if the call gets too long and the customer wants to speak with a supervisor. I've been informed by a supervisor(not my direct supervisor) that we are to stop using that line and any more reports of us using it will get us a 1-1 meeting with a supervisor every time we use it until we stop.

We also have a chat we can chat with a lead to help resolve calls. I've been informed that we shouldn't be using that either, but they didn't say using it would warrant a 1-1 meeting until we stop using leads in a chat to help. T

They want our group/department? to stick to our teams chat that is manned by an average of 2 supervisors to assist everyone. The metrics we are measured by are calls per hour, how long our calls last(shorter the better), and reviews customers leave us. So now they are tying our hands and not changing the metrics we are judged by

so I'm looking to get out on 11/1, at 15/hr I just can't be arsed when their going to let me go 1/1 anyway

Sure I could ” Just do a good job and get promoted and then it’s someone else’s problem”

But that requires literally doing better when they are taking resources away and not giving us any more powers to resolve calls? thanks I'm done

Not longer after I got on the “floor”(out of training), we had a team meeting on zoom and two girls were in tears due to some calls they took. one is sweet as sugar and idk how she hasn't quit by now. idgaf about the customers or their issues, I'm just trying to meet the expectations/metrics I'm judged by. Their tying my hands so to speak has me pretty salty.

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