
Tv and film, Bullshit

I was told I needed to lose weight, I basically booked a role on a popular tv series. They wanted me but they wanted me to lose 30lbs. I suffered eating disorders and am on weight loss meds. They want someone who’s 5”6 and 100-110lbs. Pre Covid I was this and they told me I need to be back to that size xs xxs to work. I’m fucking disgusted. They also said within a month. It’s nearly impossible after quitting from Covid I don’t wear makeup or bother dressing nice also due to lockdown got into a nasty drinking habit. Anyways I’m so sick of someone with a normal BMI being told they aren’t good enough. It’s highly competitive and cutthroat I feel entering this industry again being disowned by my agent. I’m just shocked they said this and completely said it’s up to me when it’s not. Fuck work…

I was told I needed to lose weight, I basically booked a role on a popular tv series. They wanted me but they wanted me to lose 30lbs. I suffered eating disorders and am on weight loss meds. They want someone who’s 5”6 and 100-110lbs. Pre Covid I was this and they told me I need to be back to that size xs xxs to work. I’m fucking disgusted. They also said within a month. It’s nearly impossible after quitting from Covid I don’t wear makeup or bother dressing nice also due to lockdown got into a nasty drinking habit. Anyways I’m so sick of someone with a normal BMI being told they aren’t good enough. It’s highly competitive and cutthroat I feel entering this industry again being disowned by my agent. I’m just shocked they said this and completely said it’s up to me when it’s not. Fuck work sorry needed to rant.

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