
“I’m sorry you felt that way.”

Yep. I got that message today. Finally said something to my boss to stand up for myself. Finally sick and tired of feeling like I'm constantly being questioned and talked down to. I said in the most professional way that I wanted to be truthful and say their message really made me feel put down when I had only tried to do something useful and fun for the team. It was instead met with a questioning essentially of my intelligence and knowledge of the situation. When I expressed it was just a harmless message and their response really made me feel like less, I got the dreaded “I'm sorry you felt that way.” I immediately looked to my partner and decided it is time to job hunt. This disrespect just isn't worth it. Sorry for the vagueness. I don't know if anyone I know sees this stuff so I didn't…

Yep. I got that message today. Finally said something to my boss to stand up for myself. Finally sick and tired of feeling like I'm constantly being questioned and talked down to. I said in the most professional way that I wanted to be truthful and say their message really made me feel put down when I had only tried to do something useful and fun for the team. It was instead met with a questioning essentially of my intelligence and knowledge of the situation. When I expressed it was just a harmless message and their response really made me feel like less, I got the dreaded “I'm sorry you felt that way.” I immediately looked to my partner and decided it is time to job hunt. This disrespect just isn't worth it.

Sorry for the vagueness. I don't know if anyone I know sees this stuff so I didn't want too many specifics.

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