
Has anyone quit a job and had their employer honor paid time off that they accumulated?

I am on the verge of getting a different job and I have about 3 weeks of paid time off accumulated. I was wondering if anyone here has had their employer honor that and pay it out after they resigned. Or if people generally get screwed out of that time? There is no federal or state law which requires an employer to pay for time off if someone quits so I’m trying to see what the general practice is. This will determine how I quit. If I don’t feel that they will honor it then I might make up some family emergency like dying relative that I need to deal with and then quit once I’ve got it lol.

I am on the verge of getting a different job and I have about 3 weeks of paid time off accumulated. I was wondering if anyone here has had their employer honor that and pay it out after they resigned. Or if people generally get screwed out of that time? There is no federal or state law which requires an employer to pay for time off if someone quits so I’m trying to see what the general practice is.

This will determine how I quit. If I don’t feel that they will honor it then I might make up some family emergency like dying relative that I need to deal with and then quit once I’ve got it lol.

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