
Quit after 3 shifts.

I (29f) work 2 jobs. I have a night/weekend job at a bar and help run a detail/undercoating shop a couple days through the week, if the boss or I aren't there the shop doesn't run. I love both my jobs. They're pretty lax, bosses are awesome and i have free reign for the most part as long as my work gets done. I don't make a lot from them but they're great spots that I don't wanna leave. I decided I wanted to pick up a 3rd job to fill the holes in my days (I know, crazy) and make some more money. I've been picky with where I apply and have no time for shitty bosses. I started at a retail spot in a local mall on Sept 19th. Through both my interviews I told the manager and the regional that I have 2 other jobs that are…

I (29f) work 2 jobs. I have a night/weekend job at a bar and help run a detail/undercoating shop a couple days through the week, if the boss or I aren't there the shop doesn't run. I love both my jobs. They're pretty lax, bosses are awesome and i have free reign for the most part as long as my work gets done. I don't make a lot from them but they're great spots that I don't wanna leave.

I decided I wanted to pick up a 3rd job to fill the holes in my days (I know, crazy) and make some more money. I've been picky with where I apply and have no time for shitty bosses.

I started at a retail spot in a local mall on Sept 19th. Through both my interviews I told the manager and the regional that I have 2 other jobs that are a priority. Guess they didn't listen. They hired me as a PT key holder.

With 2hrs left on my 3rd shift manager comes up and starts asking whats going on with my availability and that i can request as many days blah blah. I stopped everything I was doing and told her I'd punch out and said bye. She was in shock.

I didn't need your job, you needed to rebuild your team, I offered my experience to help. I told you I was limited and you didn't listen. I was more than willing to work every day I had off. I wasnt willing to be on beck and call.

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