
Regret taking a promotion

So in an effort to achieve more work-life balance and reduce my stress after losing a parent I left my old job of almost 10 years to come work at a more chill organization. I had to accept a temp job to get in and the first months were absolute bliss. A permanent role came up and I applied for that and was successful. Kept all the perks and got a modest raise. Unfortunately the job is quite literally 10x the amount of work and now I'm right back where I started – stressed out and unable to detach from thoughts about work during my personal time. I'm terrified of admitting this to my boss but I'm planning on having 'the talk' today about voluntarily taking a demotion. Wish me luck – any tips?

So in an effort to achieve more work-life balance and reduce my stress after losing a parent I left my old job of almost 10 years to come work at a more chill organization. I had to accept a temp job to get in and the first months were absolute bliss. A permanent role came up and I applied for that and was successful. Kept all the perks and got a modest raise.

Unfortunately the job is quite literally 10x the amount of work and now I'm right back where I started – stressed out and unable to detach from thoughts about work during my personal time.

I'm terrified of admitting this to my boss but I'm planning on having 'the talk' today about voluntarily taking a demotion. Wish me luck – any tips?

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