
My job is soul-killing but it pays well.

Hello folks. First time posting here, and honestly just posting this to get some opinions on my position as I'm starting to actively consider making a major change. It's a long one as I want to provide as much info as I can to get an honest opinion, so not sorry for the length. But let me know is something is not necessary and I can cut back. I guess background first. This is my first “corporate” job, I say that loosely as it is my first non-warehouse job and it is an international company but each office works more like a small business. Only about a dozen workers in each of the two offices and everybody has a unique position, everybody basically reports to the owner, no real or enforced hierarchy. A few times this has come in handy as anybody can bring changes or suggestions to the boss,…

Hello folks. First time posting here, and honestly just posting this to get some opinions on my position as I'm starting to actively consider making a major change. It's a long one as I want to provide as much info as I can to get an honest opinion, so not sorry for the length. But let me know is something is not necessary and I can cut back.

I guess background first. This is my first “corporate” job, I say that loosely as it is my first non-warehouse job and it is an international company but each office works more like a small business. Only about a dozen workers in each of the two offices and everybody has a unique position, everybody basically reports to the owner, no real or enforced hierarchy. A few times this has come in handy as anybody can bring changes or suggestions to the boss, but on the other hand the suggestions aren't always for the better and some people have learned how to make their suggestions look good even though all the people actually doing the work know it wouldn't be good.

A bit of the relevant background, I started in a 50/50 warehouse/computer work position, a step up for me from basic manual labor. I did (and do) very good work and have gotten a promotion (and raise) about every year I've been here. Throughout the years they've also accommodated my school schedule where last year I finally got my associate's and finished community college. Suffice to say they've been very good to me, at least much better than I expected coming in.
Now many years later I've gone through pretty much all of the departments and theres nowhere else for me to go, so this is pretty much end of the line unless a big boss were to step down, which is unlikely for some years to come (more than I'd be willing to wait).

On to the actual reason for the post. Our industry has slowed down a lot, now to the point where for the past couple MONTHS I've been literally twiddling my thumbs looking and hoping for something to do. At first it was very nice, I had worked hard and now here is a very well deserved break, but now months later I feel drained from having to sit at my desk trying to look busy but having literally nothing to do. I like keeping busy and feeling productive so this makes it worse for me. It's an open floor plan so there's no privacy either. If I could I'd be happy with playing solitaire all day, at least I'm getting a high score haha. I used to have another desk in the back and completely hidden, but due to covid and having to spread out that's not an option anymore.
As the title says, it's killing my mentally. I feel so tired from doing nothing, I don't like it at all. I've been looking for other jobs but this position is very specialized, so apart from knowing computers and having office experience it doesn't really transfer to anything else.
Also, most important part is I'm getting paid very well, even thought so when I was hella busy and couldn't finish my work in a day. It's enough where I no longer worry about buying things and taking my wife out to dinner and paying rent and still putting some away for savings. Of course within limit, but I've been able to buy things on a whim on a level that ive never experienced before and that has been a huge help mentally. Also I can afford to be mostly the sole income while my wife goes to school. I could find some other job elsewhere, but nothing I've seen pays as well as this. I'd be able to survive, but it would be a big step back.

I want you all's opinion on my situation. I'm starting to hate my job, but if I were to leave that would bring a whole host of other issues related to money. I've asked around for more work or responsibility, but at least in this office everyone is as slow as I am. I'm staying to provide a better life for my wife, and not gonna lie to buy myself nice things too, but is it too much to ask for to have a nice life and still work but something that makes you feel fulfilled? I've worked warehouse jobs so I'm not stranger to physical work, but not gonna lie it would feel like a step back. And if I were to take another job I do realize that I'd be busier and working harder for less pay, which my logical brain keeps advising me against.

Idk guys, what should I do? Just push past and ride this as long as it lasts? Worst comes to worst I have enough savings to carry the same lifestyle for like 5 months, obviously longer if we were to cut off most luxuries.

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