
How can I get let go without being fired?

I’m so over my company. I literally am physically sick from the stress there. I was also sexually harassed which has made things worse. I’ve been let go before and was able to get unemployment. I heard if you get fired you don’t qualify. Can I get more insight on how I can get out of my situation and go on unemployment so I can have time to decompress before looking for another job? Also any ideas of how to be let go but still leave on an ok note without burning bridges? I was let go once for financial reasons. So I’ve gone thru that before. Never been fired though.

I’m so over my company. I literally am physically sick from the stress there. I was also sexually harassed which has made things worse.

I’ve been let go before and was able to get unemployment. I heard if you get fired you don’t qualify.

Can I get more insight on how I can get out of my situation and go on unemployment so I can have time to decompress before looking for another job?

Also any ideas of how to be let go but still leave on an ok note without burning bridges?

I was let go once for financial reasons. So I’ve gone thru that before. Never been fired though.

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