
Leaving it all behind to focus on what matters

Sup reddit. Title, bam, you know what's up. So here I am, me and my wheelchair, living out of my little car. Everyday I drive by places I would love to live in, places I'd excel in, but I don't have million to work with, not yet. Everyday I'm scraping by with what little I have just to get gas and maybe something to eat. Seeing a doctor is more of a dream than anything, but its been that way for years now. Maybe someday social security will see me as person, maybe someday the pigs will just start flying. Everyday I drive by places I used to be able to work at, or places I still wish I could work at, at least a little. Then I keep driving. Why do I keep driving? Because I'm free. I feel more free than I have in the last 20 years.…

Sup reddit. Title, bam, you know what's up.

So here I am, me and my wheelchair, living out of my little car. Everyday I drive by places I would love to live in, places I'd excel in, but I don't have million to work with, not yet. Everyday I'm scraping by with what little I have just to get gas and maybe something to eat. Seeing a doctor is more of a dream than anything, but its been that way for years now. Maybe someday social security will see me as person, maybe someday the pigs will just start flying. Everyday I drive by places I used to be able to work at, or places I still wish I could work at, at least a little. Then I keep driving.

Why do I keep driving? Because I'm free. I feel more free than I have in the last 20 years. And even though living like this is rough right now, I will never go back.

I'm an artist, so there is no other boss but me. I work when I can, how I can, whenever possible, as my needs dictate. Because being an artist is important to me. Every job I've ever had took all my time away from developing as an artist, and I've had quite enough of that, thank you.

I will never work for a corporate entity again, except perhaps in the case of voice acting, but that's really the only case. Of course I will work -with- corporate entities, on my terms and on my time only. People think I have no skills because I choose to paint pretty pictures with my life, but these people are blind to the potential I still bring. I'm intelligent, my abstract thinking and problem solving abilities are highly valuable, but if someone can't see past the wheelchair or the sketchbook in my hand, then they are worse off than I am.

I do not tout this way of life for everyone, what I'm doing is holding up a sign that things don't have to be the way the company wants. If the company in question does not care about its employees, then the company does not deserve to exist. If profit above all else is their motto, then they are doomed to fail. If they are threatened by mere unionization, then unionize harder and faster, and I am here to help.

Every day I get to work on art now, so I am living proof that they simply cannot control us the way they wish they could. I'm out here doing my thing and for some reason that's threatening to them.

Good. They can stay threatened. I will never go back. I am free.

Hit me up if you'd like to talk ideas. Hit me up if you need a creative consultant for your projects. Hit me up if you'd like to support the artist & all that fun stuff.

Most of all, stay safe, and have a good day out there!

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