
Work Punished Me Over A Personal Issue Now I’m Quitting

Sorry if there's any formatting issues I'm on mobile, as the title says I'm quitting my job, when I told my friends about this tomfoolery they reccomened I bring it to you guys. For context my soon to be former job has a point system when it comes to absences and leaving early. I'd you leave early they take 0.5 points away and if you are absent they take 1 point away from you. Now when this situation took place I was at 8 points and if you reach 9 points you are subject to a writeup and what happened was at this time something happened in my neighborhood at the time and the police were canvassing it and my residence was needed to be questioned so the official policy is when you need to step away, you let a manager know how long you'll be and give them a…

Sorry if there's any formatting issues I'm on mobile, as the title says I'm quitting my job, when I told my friends about this tomfoolery they reccomened I bring it to you guys.

For context my soon to be former job has a point system when it comes to absences and leaving early. I'd you leave early they take 0.5 points away and if you are absent they take 1 point away from you.

Now when this situation took place I was at 8 points and if you reach 9 points you are subject to a writeup and what happened was at this time something happened in my neighborhood at the time and the police were canvassing it and my residence was needed to be questioned so the official policy is when you need to step away, you let a manager know how long you'll be and give them a estimated time frame for when you'll be back. I let one of the managers know that I'll be gone for about a hour, then I leave and deal with the situation it wasn't even that serious either tbh.

I come back after a hour and 5 mine and check to see that my work has deducted 0.5 points away from me. I'm confused so I contact one of the managers (not the same one I talked to when I stepped away) and here's verbatim what they said:

“You followed the right guidelines in reporting that you stepped away. However, you were gone longer then the time frame for gave and for that we deducted the 0.5 points and it's not going away, if you are confused read up on our absentee policy.”

I was/am so unbelievably furious at this, I got screwed over a technicality and even when I tried to remedy this issue with another manager I was denied once again.

So, I went ahead and got a new job the next day. I'm getting paid the same amount and I start next week.

Until then I called in sick yesterday which means now I'm getting a writeup but I don't care.

I'm quitting my job and if you have a job that has policies like this you should quit too.

Thank you for listening to me rant.

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