
I’m trying to avoid getting pushed out of the workplace again. Help?

So I'm disabled, and the last job I had started edging me out as soon as they found out I had major health issues (despite a hospital visit being the only time I missed work in at least 6 months, might have been 8 tbh I can't remember) they started edging me out. Micromanaging more, more overtime, I once even got disciplinary action for shifting in my chair once because the squeaking made an “unprofessional noise”. I'm not fucking kidding. Literally anything they could use against me, they would. I knew they had a high turnover rate and a low-tolerance policy, but holy shit this was ridiculous. And lowkey setting me up for future workplace anxiety. Eventually I ended up having a huge breakdown after clocking out one day, was hospitalized again, then the next day I quit, effective-immediately. And with my disabilities, it took months to find a new…

So I'm disabled, and the last job I had started edging me out as soon as they found out I had major health issues (despite a hospital visit being the only time I missed work in at least 6 months, might have been 8 tbh I can't remember) they started edging me out. Micromanaging more, more overtime, I once even got disciplinary action for shifting in my chair once because the squeaking made an “unprofessional noise”. I'm not fucking kidding. Literally anything they could use against me, they would. I knew they had a high turnover rate and a low-tolerance policy, but holy shit this was ridiculous. And lowkey setting me up for future workplace anxiety. Eventually I ended up having a huge breakdown after clocking out one day, was hospitalized again, then the next day I quit, effective-immediately. And with my disabilities, it took months to find a new job. And I had to hide my disabilities just to get my foot in the door.

Anyways, I work a new job now, but I want to stop the same thing from happening again. There's a 90-day period for them to approve me. I'm a good fit for the job, it seems to be a chill work environment so far, but they know I'm disabled from using mobility aids at work – which makes me nervous. I'm also a medically-diagnosed autistic, something else that I'm fairly certain is obvious at this point. I love this job, I'm still learning but so far the parts I've gotten down I've excelled at, I'm on-time, I work hard while I'm there, and I'm well-mannered. I've also never been fired or let-go from a job, I've always quit. Frankly, I'm anti-capitalist, but I lowkey definitely hold myself to a certain working standard I take pride in. I also REALLY enjoy this job. I feel like the only reason I won't be able to keep this job is if I get fired after 90-days or edged-out, both due to my physical/mental disabilities. I'm otherwise fairly confident in myself.

What can I do to prevent the worst?

What can I do to keep record of my competence, independent of the company? Whatever the company has of my labor should be fine due to my work ethic, but what about outside of their witnessing, which could be distorted?

How do I keep receipts of their potential hostility if they try and pull something?

What do I do if I feel like they're edging me out?

Who do I report to if they try and edge me out or fire me?

How would I get my job back if I ended up having to leave?

How do I prove any potential ableism at work?

Are there any other resources helping with this sort of situation?

I know this is a lot, but any partial, full, or other answers/advice helps. I hate working, but I don't fully dislike this workplace, and I just need to keep the job that pays my medical bills. Thanks in advance!

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