
Cutting hours but asking us to work harder during shifts o_o

I’m too worried to blast my company’s name (yet?) but lord al-fucking-mighty. Just got an email the other day explaining that the store is over budget for the quarter so they’re cutting hours and asking us to work harder during our shifts to make up for “lost work”. Right around when the holidays are about to begin… with no extra pay incentive. Yeah no, sweetheart. Absolutely the fuck not. Lmfao.

I’m too worried to blast my company’s name (yet?) but lord al-fucking-mighty. Just got an email the other day explaining that the store is over budget for the quarter so they’re cutting hours and asking us to work harder during our shifts to make up for “lost work”. Right around when the holidays are about to begin… with no extra pay incentive.

Yeah no, sweetheart. Absolutely the fuck not. Lmfao.

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