
Change starts with me…

I recently took a new job as an assistant general manager at a restaurant after it became clear my current job was dead end(also in the restaurant industry). Let me tell you this, restaurant workers are usually treated pretty shitty for a variety of reasons and I’ve had enough of it. Time to change things. I’m creating set schedules so employees will know in advance what days/shifts they’re working so they can actually plan their life. I refuse to gaslight anyone tell me the hours you’re looking for and I’ll make it happen. Need a mental health day? Just tell me I get it, take the day off hell need 2 days? Take them. I’ll figure it out as I believe mental health is usually ignored in the industry. Feeling sick when you woke up this morning? Take the day off and no I don’t need a doctors note insurance…

I recently took a new job as an assistant general manager at a restaurant after it became clear my current job was dead end(also in the restaurant industry). Let me tell you this, restaurant workers are usually treated pretty shitty for a variety of reasons and I’ve had enough of it.
Time to change things. I’m creating set schedules so employees will know in advance what days/shifts they’re working so they can actually plan their life. I refuse to gaslight anyone tell me the hours you’re looking for and I’ll make it happen. Need a mental health day? Just tell me I get it, take the day off hell need 2 days? Take them. I’ll figure it out as I believe mental health is usually ignored in the industry. Feeling sick when you woke up this morning? Take the day off and no I don’t need a doctors note insurance is expensive and I’m not making someone go to the doctor for a cold. Make a mistake? I make them all the time, how can I help you do this won’t happen again.
I have no thirst for power and I believe as a manager it’s my job to make sure my employees are ok first and foremost. They’re people I spend everyday with not just a number or body to fill space.
Poor management is one of the main reasons employees are quitting and reassessing their careers in droves and I refuse to be like that. Be the change you want to see…

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