
job hunting is already hard enough without having to deal with this shit.

I'm 26, on my last year of English Studies (philology). I was never comfortable with the whole male/female when I was growing up and I consider myself non-binary. I have long hair and full beard. The problem is that I'm getting rejected from teacher positions because they are looking for “a woman”. As if teaching had anything to do with your genitalia. And I'm asked to cut my hair in job interviews for supermarkets to fit better the “male image”. I was never asked to cut my hair when working in a rotisserie, just to always wear a hair net. This is bullshit. I'm so tired of this. I'm already offering myself to get exploited for money, why do they need to be so invasive on worker's lifes?

I'm 26, on my last year of English Studies (philology). I was never comfortable with the whole male/female when I was growing up and I consider myself non-binary. I have long hair and full beard.

The problem is that I'm getting rejected from teacher positions because they are looking for “a woman”. As if teaching had anything to do with your genitalia.

And I'm asked to cut my hair in job interviews for supermarkets to fit better the “male image”. I was never asked to cut my hair when working in a rotisserie, just to always wear a hair net. This is bullshit.

I'm so tired of this. I'm already offering myself to get exploited for money, why do they need to be so invasive on worker's lifes?

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