
Got “laid off” due to the market and my performance, yet a coworker with lower performance is still there

Yep and I'm pretty pissed off. This coworker is by no means a bad person and I have no bad feelings towards them, but the boss had moved them to a different part of the warehouse and straight up told them they weren't doing so well in terms of performance yet I get laid off for basically the same thing. We had a meeting about a month or so ago basically saying the market took a turn for the worse and we had to tighten up around there or that some tough decisions would have to be made, another person that had worked there for a long time said this has happened before and not for us to worry – the work started drying up so it got harder and harder to keep up with production. So while I did my best it apparently wasn't enough. I would have hoped…

Yep and I'm pretty pissed off. This coworker is by no means a bad person and I have no bad feelings towards them, but the boss had moved them to a different part of the warehouse and straight up told them they weren't doing so well in terms of performance yet I get laid off for basically the same thing.

We had a meeting about a month or so ago basically saying the market took a turn for the worse and we had to tighten up around there or that some tough decisions would have to be made, another person that had worked there for a long time said this has happened before and not for us to worry – the work started drying up so it got harder and harder to keep up with production. So while I did my best it apparently wasn't enough. I would have hoped we'd get more of a warning, because in the meeting he didn't make it seem like we'd need to look for other jobs, or anything – I thought if anyone would get laid off we'd get some sort of severance, but nope – laid off on a Friday after my lunch.

I'm pretty salty and tbh, I kinda want this place to fail.

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