
Should I feel guilty for calling out? What do I even say to my manager here

Called out today to my pretty shitty retail job that I just work a few days a week at. Called manager and left message that I’m not coming in (like 5 hrs before morning shift) because I don’t feel well. A couple hours later I get a text saying “If you get better come to work later because you knew we would be short staffed today” Mgr didn’t even wish me well or anything but seems to have tried to guilt me for calling out. Should this really be my concern or should I really be caring this much? I’m amazed I’ve always been on time and a good employee, yet on this one occasion that I rarely call out im just told to try to come in later when I clearly said im not feeling good. I feel like there was no respect in his message. Lol. Do I…

Called out today to my pretty shitty retail job that I just work a few days a week at. Called manager and left message that I’m not coming in (like 5 hrs before morning shift) because I don’t feel well.

A couple hours later I get a text saying “If you get better come to work later because you knew we would be short staffed today”

Mgr didn’t even wish me well or anything but seems to have tried to guilt me for calling out. Should this really be my concern or should I really be caring this much? I’m amazed I’ve always been on time and a good employee, yet on this one occasion that I rarely call out im just told to try to come in later when I clearly said im not feeling good. I feel like there was no respect in his message. Lol. Do I even respond?

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