
“You answered the phone so nicely!” A rant on my pro capitalist Dad

32 F US My dad called me at my work the other day. I answered the phone the way we're required to; “it's a great day at [my workplace]! This is [my name] speaking; how can I help you?” Then I saw the caller ID & realized it was my dad. Customer service voice went off and I said “oh, hey dad. What's up?” He said “wow! You answered the phone so nicely!” I was like “yeah… that's how we have to answer it” he said “well that's good!” This brought up some feelings for me. My dad is a huge capitalist. He's been a boss rather than a true worker for most of his adult life. For this reason he always seems to identify with my bosses, and side with them over me. Even when I got covid because the place I'm currently working at didn't take proper safety…

32 F US

My dad called me at my work the other day.

I answered the phone the way we're required to; “it's a great day at [my workplace]! This is [my name] speaking; how can I help you?”

Then I saw the caller ID & realized it was my dad. Customer service voice went off and I said “oh, hey dad. What's up?” He said “wow! You answered the phone so nicely!” I was like “yeah… that's how we have to answer it” he said “well that's good!” This brought up some feelings for me. My dad is a huge capitalist. He's been a boss rather than a true worker for most of his adult life. For this reason he always seems to identify with my bosses, and side with them over me. Even when I got covid because the place I'm currently working at didn't take proper safety precautions, let someone come back after only 3 days of quarantine, never tells us when someone tests positive, etc. All this resulted in me getting covid despite coming in wearing an n-95 every day. When I expressed my frustration my dad said “you can't really blame them ” ummm…. YES I CAN. they're directly responsible for it.

In my 15+ years in the workforce my father has never ONCE said anything like “you should be treated better at work” or “they should really value you more” or “you deserve better pay for all your hard work. ” NOT ONCE. but he always seems to have a hard on for whoever my current boss. “Make sure that know you're reliable” blah blah blah like I should work overtime and pick up all the open shifts and kiss my bosses feet for allowing to work for them.

Back when I worked at restaurants, I once sent a text meant for my (now ex) boss to my dad saying “cut me if you're able” and the next time we talked he tried lecturing me saying I should “work as much as I can” to make the boss happy and aware that I was reliable. I said I had made enough money in the morning and I'd rather enjoy my day. He said “well what would you have done with the time if you weren't at work?” I DON'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING SPECIAL TO WANT A FEW HOURS TO MY DAMN SELF. MY TIME SHOULD BE MINE SOMETIMES AND THAT IN AND OF ITSELF IS VALUABLE

I hate that he's such a boomer and is so brainwashed by capitalism and our society that he always cares more about my bosses than me. Thanks for listening

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