
No time off and weekend work

I need advice, I started this new job at a laboratory and I already cannot stand my manager. I have talked with my coworkers who also try to avoid him and are extremely annoyed by his micromanaging… apparently many of them are quitting/transferring because he is so unpopular. I have also been told that my position is basically always open because the turnover rate is so high! My main concern is that my manager has talked to me directly and says that he cannot give me two days off in November that I asked for. I need this time to recuperate because I’m having surgery on my eyelid (really I want more time than this but I was afraid to ask for more). This company started me off with zero PTO and sick time, so I don’t know what to do. He has also told me that I am expected…

I need advice, I started this new job at a laboratory and I already cannot stand my manager. I have talked with my coworkers who also try to avoid him and are extremely annoyed by his micromanaging… apparently many of them are quitting/transferring because he is so unpopular.

I have also been told that my position is basically always open because the turnover rate is so high!

My main concern is that my manager has talked to me directly and says that he cannot give me two days off in November that I asked for. I need this time to recuperate because I’m having surgery on my eyelid (really I want more time than this but I was afraid to ask for more). This company started me off with zero PTO and sick time, so I don’t know what to do.

He has also told me that I am expected to come in on the weekend every now and then when they are short-handed which I feel is unreasonable and overstepping boundaries.

Another problem lies that my mom’s friend helped me get this job and my parents berate me for being “lazy” despite me having worked full-time construction and retail for the past year without pause. I want to leave this job but it’s going to cause a rift between me and my family because it will definitely lead into an argument.

This has really caused my anxiety to flare up and I don’t feel mentally healthy. I’m caught in a capitalistic nightmare.

What should I do?

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