
Cell Phones during working hours

So recently everyone in my department of work had to sign & date a paper that requires us to ALWAYS keep our phones locked in a cell locker they provide to us, or in our vehicles during the full 8-12 hour work shift. I’m refusing and stating that my phone will always stay in my pocket. Doesn’t mean that I’m on it. A have sibling family members in pretty bad health, so I like to keep it on me for emergencies. Note that we work third shift so if I’m getting a call at 3AM, it’s typically critical. So, I’ll continue to keep my phone in my pocket regardless what HR says. I understand trying to limit distractions, but this seems a little childish considering our shift always gets the most work done out of everyone. What’s your opinion on this?

So recently everyone in my department of work had to sign & date a paper that requires us to ALWAYS keep our phones locked in a cell locker they provide to us, or in our vehicles during the full 8-12 hour work shift. I’m refusing and stating that my phone will always stay in my pocket. Doesn’t mean that I’m on it. A have sibling family members in pretty bad health, so I like to keep it on me for emergencies. Note that we work third shift so if I’m getting a call at 3AM, it’s typically critical. So, I’ll continue to keep my phone in my pocket regardless what HR says. I understand trying to limit distractions, but this seems a little childish considering our shift always gets the most work done out of everyone. What’s your opinion on this?

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