
Down with Corporate

So awhile back I was working as an accountant for a tech company in Texas and I had sent out an email to a mentor in the company telling them my job felt worthless and I had no hope of getting a raise or being promoted. Somehow HR picked up on the email and two weeks later I got called into an online meeting during Covid, to find out that I was getting laid off. When I asked why I was shown the email and told that the work I was doing was worthless and irrelevant and that they had no reason to keep me on. Up to that point I was pulling 12 hour days 6 days a week to meet vendor/client needs by moving millions in revenue around the company. I was then told I would work the next week and half before getting let go along with…

So awhile back I was working as an accountant for a tech company in Texas and I had sent out an email to a mentor in the company telling them my job felt worthless and I had no hope of getting a raise or being promoted. Somehow HR picked up on the email and two weeks later I got called into an online meeting during Covid, to find out that I was getting laid off. When I asked why I was shown the email and told that the work I was doing was worthless and irrelevant and that they had no reason to keep me on. Up to that point I was pulling 12 hour days 6 days a week to meet vendor/client needs by moving millions in revenue around the company.

I was then told I would work the next week and half before getting let go along with a bunch of others in a mass layoff. Since my work was worthless, I stopped answering client emails and calls to the company. I was also in charge of paying the company rent for the building they were renting, apparently that work was worthless and irrelevant.

So after about 3 weeks unemployed I got a call asking about some of the monthly revenues/expenses and rent payments. I told them that since my job was worthless, I stopped doing the worthless work and focused on getting a new job. My former boss begged me to come back and fix the mountains of work I had left for them and they even offered a raise and better role. I basically told them I wasn't coming back since I was deemed worthless and ended up getting a job with a consulting firm where ironically I ended up helping a new investment company acquire my former employer and they ended up laying off both HR and the accounting departments.

Be careful who you let go, because what goes around comes around.

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