
I Am So Sick of Getting Ghosted After Interviews

I will never for the life of me understand why I will go through three, four, sometimes FIVE interviews with a company and nearly every time get completely ghosted after the fact. One second I’m perfectly qualified, getting along with all of the team members, and the next I never hear from them again. For companies and their owners to try and call out the younger generations for being “lazy”, they have a really unprofessional way of going about doing ANYTHING in the interview process. I was recently told by a company after my third interview that I would hear from them anywhere from a week to two weeks. Keep in mind that this company is “supposedly” known to be one of the best companies to work at in my province. No, this is not a joke. Two weeks later, crickets. I email the recruiter and a week goes by…

I will never for the life of me understand why I will go through three, four, sometimes FIVE interviews with a company and nearly every time get completely ghosted after the fact. One second I’m perfectly qualified, getting along with all of the team members, and the next I never hear from them again. For companies and their owners to try and call out the younger generations for being “lazy”, they have a really unprofessional way of going about doing ANYTHING in the interview process.

I was recently told by a company after my third interview that I would hear from them anywhere from a week to two weeks. Keep in mind that this company is “supposedly” known to be one of the best companies to work at in my province. No, this is not a joke. Two weeks later, crickets. I email the recruiter and a week goes by and I get nothing. I email the HR rep I first met with instead, and then I finally get an email from the recruiter saying “We don’t believe in closing doors, but we regret to inform you that other people had better experience and skills for this role”. It took them almost a month to get back to me, just to say they’ve moved on with other candidates.

From what I’ve seen online, a big reason why companies will refuse to send off rejection emails is the fear of having a negative reputation/being sued, but both reasons make no sense and are over dramatic. If you ask me, I would MUCH rather be told as soon as they know that I’m not the right fit, rather than be strung on for ages, wondering if I got the position only to be severely disappointed weeks later. In my opinion, that frustrates me/upsets me way more. When I put that much work in, take time off of my current job (and in turn my well-deserved pay) to perform these interviews, I at LEAST deserve a quick email telling me I didn’t get the position.

It genuinely shocks me just how many companies have done this to me. I have interviewed at a total of 15 places in the past five/six months, and I can safely say almost 80% of them don’t ever get back to me. It truly enforces the idea that we are nothing but disposable pieces on a chessboard to these companies.

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