
I don’t get the aviation industry…

So, to start I am a University student. I worked in the army the past four years and just went back into studying English translation (I started before I joined). I am currently still being paid by the army (as is normal for any honorably discharged service member here in Germany). The duration of that pay depends on how long you served. In my case that was four years, for which I am now being paid an additional year. Since I have another 4 semesters ahead of me (another two years), I thought why not get a side job to get what I need financially, for my finals now and concentrate on my exams next year. So, I applied and got a job as a ground handling agent at an airport. Made 18€/h which is not bad, but quickly noticed that due to my additional income (what I get from…

So, to start I am a University student. I worked in the army the past four years and just went back into studying English translation (I started before I joined).
I am currently still being paid by the army (as is normal for any honorably discharged service member here in Germany). The duration of that pay depends on how long you served. In my case that was four years, for which I am now being paid an additional year.
Since I have another 4 semesters ahead of me (another two years), I thought why not get a side job to get what I need financially, for my finals now and concentrate on my exams next year.
So, I applied and got a job as a ground handling agent at an airport.
Made 18€/h which is not bad, but quickly noticed that due to my additional income (what I get from the army) anything over minimum wage (550€/month) raises my tax class taking 1k out of my income (so I basically paid 450€ for the privilege to work).
Super messed up.
I asked the airport to reduce my hours, which they initially agreed, but then totally screwed up during my first week of Uni. They basically wanted me to come in to work in my first week of the new semester, which I quickly told them I could not do. The DO (supervisor) yelled at me on the phone for telling her that.
So I quit on the spot.
The following week I got a job in retail giving me everything I wanted. (Fewer hours and lower pay so I wouldn't have to pay for working).
How messed up is that?!? I thought airports were desperately looking for personnel but can afford to handle people in such a disrespectful nonsensical way? How???

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