
Maybe being a business owner wasn’t so bad

After almost a year of applying & nothing I’m so close to just trying my hand in business again. I have YEARS of experience running a business alone and with a team, plus my experience prior to that. Applied for hundreds of jobs with MAYBE 5-7 interviews. But even with being an amazing boss — paying fairly and above min wage, allowing for you to call out as needed no matter the reason, freedom to leave if you finished your work and I could go on. After my couple employees quit and with no help from my partner I had to shut down and I’ve honestly been terrified to try again.

After almost a year of applying & nothing I’m so close to just trying my hand in business again. I have YEARS of experience running a business alone and with a team, plus my experience prior to that. Applied for hundreds of jobs with MAYBE 5-7 interviews.

But even with being an amazing boss — paying fairly and above min wage, allowing for you to call out as needed no matter the reason, freedom to leave if you finished your work and I could go on.

After my couple employees quit and with no help from my partner I had to shut down and I’ve honestly been terrified to try again.

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