
Today is the day I find out if I get fired.

I am a pretty good and reliable worker, I complain about my dislike of my job’s pacing with some of my coworkers or direct managers from time to time but they relate. My team lead has called me one of her “most reliable employees” In the last 4+ months of working at my job I have been absent only once, and have used pto/ppto for all other occurrences. I do as I’m told, how i am told, when I’m told to do it, and rarely fail tasks. In the last 7 days alone, I’ve technically worked enough by accidentally clocking off too late to get overtime for 32 minutes. But none of that is what matters. What matters is I just took 2 days off without using pto or ppto. I wanted to, but the system just wouldn’t let me. I have far more than enough hours to cover my…

I am a pretty good and reliable worker, I complain about my dislike of my job’s pacing with some of my coworkers or direct managers from time to time but they relate.

My team lead has called me one of her “most reliable employees”

In the last 4+ months of working at my job I have been absent only once, and have used pto/ppto for all other occurrences.

I do as I’m told, how i am told, when I’m told to do it, and rarely fail tasks.

In the last 7 days alone, I’ve technically worked enough by accidentally clocking off too late to get overtime for 32 minutes.

But none of that is what matters.

What matters is I just took 2 days off without using pto or ppto. I wanted to, but the system just wouldn’t let me. I have far more than enough hours to cover my 2 shifts, at 8 hours total.

If they don’t my hours of pto/ppto today when I come back to work then I will have missed enough work to be fired.

I am one of my jobs better employees (not the best) and I am anxious about getting fired for a reason out of my control

Edit for context: i work full time for 16 dollars an hour at a Walmart

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