
drugs test in the morning with HR.

So today at work I was accused of smelling of cannabis. From the top, a few months ago we had a work do at pub and colleagues did some wild things and the pub complained to work. One of the accusations at the pub was doing drugs in the toilet i.e cocaine. So work wanted to drug test everyone. I refused that test and said I use weed recreationally, they gave me a written warning and that was the end of that. So today (5 months later) HR lady says can you come with me, says someone in the office accused me of smelling of weed last week and they need to drug test me. I said OK thats fine and all 3 of the mouth swab tests came back inconclusive. Now they have suspended me until tomorrow morning, called a 3rd party in to do a piss test on…

So today at work I was accused of smelling of cannabis.

From the top, a few months ago we had a work do at pub and colleagues did some wild things and the pub complained to work. One of the accusations at the pub was doing drugs in the toilet i.e cocaine. So work wanted to drug test everyone. I refused that test and said I use weed recreationally, they gave me a written warning and that was the end of that.

So today (5 months later) HR lady says can you come with me, says someone in the office accused me of smelling of weed last week and they need to drug test me. I said OK thats fine and all 3 of the mouth swab tests came back inconclusive.

Now they have suspended me until tomorrow morning, called a 3rd party in to do a piss test on me.

When I left work today suspended the first thing I did was obtain drug free piss fron my local corner shop.

Now after all this my question to you is will they check if the piss is warm or not ?

Like if its cold will that raise suspicion ?

Any tips and info would be much appreciated

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