
Toxic work by the eyes of the child

Hello my dear people, I would never thought I would ever post something at subreddit like this but here we are. Because there is something that needs to be said about how I have come to the realization that my father's job was ducking toxic. Also don't you just hate when you're just born into some mess that you thought was normal until you watch in horror after it's too late? So let's star with this mess… Ever since I was a kid I knew my dad always had a lot of very important work. He mostly work from home from little office sitting in big office chair his already bad back in cravette position with his already demeged eyes looking though glasses at one of the monitors. (Fu fact :this year i found out he probably worked with AutoCAD who said you can't learn anything in art schools? The…

Hello my dear people, I would never thought I would ever post something at subreddit like this but here we are.
Because there is something that needs to be said about how I have come to the realization that my father's job was ducking toxic.

Also don't you just hate when you're just born into some mess that you thought was normal until you watch in horror after it's too late?

So let's star with this mess…
Ever since I was a kid I knew my dad always had a lot of very important work. He mostly work from home from little office sitting in big office chair his already bad back in cravette position with his already demeged eyes looking though glasses at one of the monitors. (Fu fact :this year i found out he probably worked with AutoCAD who said you can't learn anything in art schools? The program was pain to work with thankfully we only brushed on it.).
Also there were people calling him like any time of the day, must be something important.

Sometimes he would drive somewhere far to either take care of some business, probably with that anoying dude that he always complained about or argued on the phone …who's lucky to have few beautiful kids otherwise someone would absolutely killed him in fit of rage.You probably met few of people like that.

Other times he would go check out some of the “very big” buildings. Where he basically walked there checking if everything is ok.
Oh how I wonder if the poor air condition there totally had something thing to do with his nose being stuffed every day of the year…
It was also very loud in there so loud actually that he had his phone ringing set on duck quacking so he could hear it…
Yes he had great sense of humor.

Back then I had no idea what he did …or how bad it was honestly even if you asked me now what was the name of his job. I woul be like control of something with fire controllers but make the building “very big”?
I also quite recently learned that there are like very very few people working this job… I wonder why…
If anyone have clue what job I am talking about then I am sorry for you because you either probably worked in this shitty environment or you needed their work which probably cost you a good fortune tbh.
But don't you worry if your “very big”building catches on fire you can sue the for few milions or more… please don't take this information as you please , Arson isn't as exciting after the years of investigation…not talking about the jail with dept.

Anyways this is probably only tip of the iceberg… since I only get to know him for 14 years of my life…2020 took a lot of us and sadly he was on of them. On his 59th birthday after very stressful phone call from work he started experiencing severe hest pain. Since the hospitals were at the state they were at. He decided to do the think he always did, baer it… and he did for another twenty days.

So yeah you may probably think that's when I fully understand how toxic this job was.
Sadly I had a lot more other problems and kind of settled that for some reason his passing was in way nobody's fault. I mean I couldn't blame specific person. Blaming the caller wouldn't be fair,he had no clue and was probably equally stressed at that time…
not talking about how blame even though it's part of the grieving process can be pretty demeging if held for too long.
I loved my dad I hate how his toxic job basically worked him to literal death.
I miss the little times he fight for to be with me, or do something for me and made me feel loved more than anyone could right now.

But please don't repeat his mistake for yourself or your kids. No money is worth your freaking health or life even!
If you think it can then at least make time to write a will, it makes paperwork a lot easier.
Talking from experience.

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