
God I fucking hate life

I hate I'm a wage-slave. I was destined to be one since my mom and dad also are wage-slaves. I hate that I have to wake up every fucking day knowing I'mma have to 'hustle' and 'grind' for 8 hours just to earn a measly wage, while my rich privileged piece of shit boss makes a dollar off every cent I make. It should be the other way around but this is capitalism. Why can't those rich pricks just give everyone UBI, let us LIVE, wake up, have a cozy breakfast, then proceed to do FUN things, actually LIVE, instead of 'hustle' and 'grind' I want OFF this fucking planet.

I hate I'm a wage-slave. I was destined to be one since my mom and dad also are wage-slaves. I hate that I have to wake up every fucking day knowing I'mma have to 'hustle' and 'grind' for 8 hours just to earn a measly wage, while my rich privileged piece of shit boss makes a dollar off every cent I make. It should be the other way around but this is capitalism.

Why can't those rich pricks just give everyone UBI, let us LIVE, wake up, have a cozy breakfast, then proceed to do FUN things, actually LIVE, instead of 'hustle' and 'grind'

I want OFF this fucking planet.

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