
My boss fired me “effective immediately” but wants additional work with no pay 24h later

So, a number of ppl from r/AmITheAsshole said you guys might enjoy my post, so I decided to post this here as well: Ok, so I (30) have been working for this US-based marketing company part-time, remotely, as my second job. We have an independent contractor agreement, btw. I've been working there since April 2022, and there was a convo even that my minimum wage will be reconsidered for a raise after 60 days…It's freaking September now and that raise was never brought up by the executives – EVER. Anyways, I completed all my September tasks because I'm a hardworking b***h, and started working on October tasks to be ahead of everything and avoid potential assignment clusterfukk. Monday morning, I see a message from Vic, the CEO, laying me off casually – I'd love to share the termination email with a follow-up thread if anyone's interested. Anyways, the CEO says…

So, a number of ppl from r/AmITheAsshole said you guys might enjoy my post, so I decided to post this here as well:

Ok, so I (30) have been working for this US-based marketing company part-time, remotely, as my second job. We have an independent contractor agreement, btw. I've been working there since April 2022, and there was a convo even that my minimum wage will be reconsidered for a raise after 60 days…It's freaking September now and that raise was never brought up by the executives – EVER. Anyways, I completed all my September tasks because I'm a hardworking b***h, and started working on October tasks to be ahead of everything and avoid potential assignment clusterfukk. Monday morning, I see a message from Vic, the CEO, laying me off casually – I'd love to share the termination email with a follow-up thread if anyone's interested.

Anyways, the CEO says I am fired “effective immediately,” and the reason is a “declining customer base”, and they can no longer afford my services. The email also stated that my last and final invoice WILL be paid and that I should send my list of assignments for the team to take over. Fine, okay. People get fired, not a big deal. It was the first message I saw on a freaking Monday morning, and decided I won't let it get to me. Butttttt…

One day later, and mister CEO is asking me to complete a couple of my October assignments, and is obviously refusing to pay my September invoice, even though the tasks are obviously for October. What is argued here is that two of those October tasks should be sent on September 30th for review, so the SOB CEO considers these to be September tasks even though the list says OCTOBER TASKS. It literaly says October, and I am fired and IT'S NOT OCTOBER, SO WHY DO I CARE? I could do those, but why? Won't be paid for them and he's just using me as two other employees called in sick in the meantime. What bothers me the most is the fact that he is trying to make it seem like I didn't do my work, and I ALWAYS do my job.

Anyways, I am planning an anti-campaign against this company since I am not being paid my minimum wage after I have completed all the work for September and after I've been fired. He keeps insisting and I keep plotting – not getting my money is the bottom line.

The question for the r/AITA was AITA for not wanting to do those October tasks and for planning an anti-campaign against the company. I decided with the help of redditors that anti-campaigning wouldn't be a good idea, but I should prolly go public if he keeps refusing to pay me for the work done

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