I get so tired of these leadership meetings where they really prove how little they think of employees. They spent half the meeting arguing about “employee gifts” for CS Week. They allocate an oh-so-generous $20 per employee for the year for gifts to show management’s appreciation. The whole topic revolves around how our department is over-budget and how they can get by as cheap as possible, talking about giving travelers a cheaper gift than full time employees, because in the words of our director “travelers aren’t really our employees, so the agency they work with should be doing stuff for them, not us.” Talk about trying to cause distain and animosity between the workers…
It’s all so nauseatingly embarrassing. One of our managers kept trying to explain that the travelers should be treated equally because they’re still doing the same work. Then the sea of supervisors saying they’ll give up their gifts so the other employees can have them.
Of all the other ways they can try to fix the budget issue, they ALWAYS focus on the employees. Not the millions we spend fixing equipment that the operating rooms abuse. I swear I can’t take this stupid stuff anymore…